A downloadable locale

This is the first of 17 one-page pointcrawl adventures that will be included in included in my deep-sea hack of Mork Borg, BËNTHIC. The players will explore a reef near the surface of the ocean, encountering aggressive versions of normal sealife to reach the Trench proper. 

This and 3 other locales will be released for free before the proper book to provide some content to play the game with. Look forward to future releases for BËNTHIC!

Soundtracks for the Locale: Only Poetry or Madness Could Do Justice, The Moon-Ladder

Fractured Reef is an independent production by Thomas Zitkevits and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.


BenthicFracturedReef.pdf 820 kB

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